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will face a production gap. The benefits of the
U3 and 4 Project are numerous, for SNN through the capitalization of its assets and revenues
from energy sales, operating and maintenance contracts and the delivery of fuel bundles, and for the national energy system and for reaching the decarbonisation targets, as well as for providing jobs in the horizontal industry, education and research, and growth effects in the economy.
What do you count on in the future in order
to maintain Nuclearelectrica in the top of the most performing and sustainable companies in Romania?
Nuclearelectrica has a number of competitive advantages, derived both from the specific nature of its technology and from the highly qualified workforce. My mission as a General Manager is
to use these elements in a business model that
is harmonized with the company’s objectives and market conditions.
During my one-year mandate, I have accelerated a number of projects with significant impact on the company’s future, such as the initiation of stage 1 of the refurbishment project, the strategy for diversification of the fuel supply sources, the strategy for implementation of the detritiation
station, with a direct effect on shortening the period and the costs of refurbishment, and I have adopted action plans for staff attraction, training and retention, so that the company may be able to meet the competitive demands of the market and provide the necessary resources for development.
Nuclearelectrica counts on operating under nuclear safety conditions, on the high availability of units supplying band energy without depending on weather conditions, on relatively low and manageable operating costs, on rigorous
control and the implementation of the annual maintenance program and of investments with nuclear safety functions and, last but not least, on highly qualified human resources. Nuclearelectrica also looks to the future and prepares to mitigate possible challenges
through proactive and diversified measures. External concerted action largely depends on
the integration and optimization of processes internally, on efficient resource control and on the constant assessment of performance in relation to the proposed objectives. All this summed up implicitly results in attractiveness in the capital market. We care simultaneously about the benefit of SNN and of its shareholders.