Page 89 - Romania 100
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A history of over 100 years
Romgaz is the biggest producer and main supplier of natural gas in Romania. The company is on the Bucharest Stock Exchange and on the London Stock Exchange (LSE) since 2013. The main shareholder is
the Romanian state, with
a 70% share. The company has a wide experience in
the field of exploration and production of natural gas, its history starting more than 100 years ago, in 1909, when the first natural gas deposit was discovered in the Transylvania Basin, in Sărmăşel.
The natural gas production activity within Romgaz is performed in two production branches, with head offices in Mediaş and Târgu Mureş, which exploit together more than 140 commercial deposits, located in Transylvania, Moldavia, Oltenia and Muntenia.
The exploitation of all these deposits is performed with the help of about 3.240 wells and of a complex surface infrastructure, formed by adduction pipes, collecting pipes, gas heaters, separators of impurities, compressors, drying stations and gas measuring panels. Specialists talk about a
favorable evolution perspective of the production through
the important discovery of hydrocarbons of the Caragele structure.
The natural decline of the production mostly cancelled
The company continues the production optimization program for mature deposits. The natural production decline is maintained at minimum level through the debit contribution resulting for the well development and repair works on the perimeters
being operated, of the rehabilitation works performed on mature deposits in the Romgaz patrimony, as well as geological research
works performed in the exploration perimeters. The production potential is kept at values over 15 million m3/day.
Romgaz through the
newly founded subsidiary Depogaz, is the biggest storage operator in Romania. The underground storage is a vital part of the natural gas industry. The possibility to store the gas offers the certainty
of the supply during the high request periods, by supplementing deliveries,
and represents a safety measure in case of interruption of the current production. The gas underground storage deposits are fitted in depleted deposits. Romgaz, through the Depogaz Subsidiary, operates six gas storages, with operating pressures between 10 and 150 bars, with a total operating capacity of 2,92 billion m3. Also, Romgaz has a 41% package of the Depomureş operator (0,30 billion m3) and in association with Engie (previously Gaz de France).

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