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            Cosmin Ghiță general manager Nuclearelectrica
3 and 4 Project. These projects mean more clean energy for Romania and stability of the system, the creation of approximately 19,000 jobs in the horizontal industry and the support of prospects for advanced nuclear research, education, related services with a growth effect on the national economy.
What does Nuclearelectrica need in order to further grow?
The changes in European energy policies and the targets of decarbonisation of energy production (reduction by up to 80% of the level of greenhouse gas emissions by 2050) undertaken by the EU and, implicitly, by our country, correlated with
the technological neutrality, the possibility for each country to choose the energy mix they
think best, create favorable conditions for the further development of nuclear programs. A recent study by MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) estimates a growth in global energy consumption by 45% by 2040, an increase that could not be covered without nuclear energy. The same study argues that decarbonisation targets could not be achieved without the contribution
of nuclear energy, which is considered a firm and stable source as compared to the variability of renewable sources. Similarly, the national energy strategy, which has been recently put to debate, envisages an increase in the role of nuclear power in the Romanian mix as a result of the carrying out of the above-mentioned investment projects. Returning to the developments of Nuclearelectrica over its 20 years of existence, its achievements
in terms of operation, finances, positioning in the capital market speak for themselves, and they are the basis for our future projects, including
the highly skilled workforce that must ensure the transfer of knowledge to new specialists. After 20 years, Nuclearelectrica is, in addition to its strategic role in the Romanian energy system, an international performance benchmark, a modern, dynamic, innovative company.
Where would you place your company in relation to the developments of the national and regional energy market?
The EU forecasts indicate that Romania’s neighbors are counting on an increase in nuclear
the organization, the training of employees from the perspective of their relationship with a new category of stakeholders, namely the shareholders, and from the perspective of their obligations of reporting, managerial control, risk management and oversight.
In the nuclear industry, nuclear safety is the top priority and this aspect is certified, assessed and improved continually. It’s not just us saying this,
it is the international missions that constantly check the security of the Cernavoda units. At the end of year 2015, Cernavoda NPP was awarded the rating of excellence in nuclear operation and safety, on the basis of a mission of international assessment of all aspects involved in its safe operation, including nuclear safety culture and human conduct.
At present, SNN is the promoter of some of the most important investments in the Romanian energy sector through two major projects: the refurbishment of Unit 1 of Cernavoda NPP, which will allow the operation of the unit under the same safety conditions for another 30 years and Units

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