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transited through oil terminal facilities
l providing of a competitive environment for our customers in order to develop new contracts in the Black Sea area l diversification of products operated through oil terminal, new optimal solutions for JET A1 operation were found, by upgrading an important storage capacity in the shortest time
l attraction of new customers for barges transport by the Danube
lspecialization and international certification of the company’s laboratories staff on a high competence level
l Rail Safety management System implementation lspecial care in relationship with shareholders, with general public and with possible investors by promoting transparency
l getting the storage fiscal warehouse statute for gasolines export
l completion of important investments, among which:
l upgrading of gasoline and crude oil flowmeter facility in Port Storage Farm;
l new flowmeter facilities for bunker loading;
l upgrading of 3 shoretanks of 50,000 CM capacities; lfacility of 2 fixed weighing systems for trucks in south and port storage farms;
l upgrading of electric facilities by optical fiber; l upgrading of crude oil facility in South storage farm;
l purchase of a depollution boat
l overground laying of 2 crude oil pipelines of 1,000 mm diameter

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