Page 52 - Romania 100
P. 52
100 Romanians
In the centenary year we are
trying to present 100 Romanian personalities who have had an impact on how Romania is known in the world. We included many areas and did not promote any hierarchies.
Constantin Brâncuși - famous sculptor, his works are part of the world heritage
George Enescu - composer, violinist, teacher, pianist and conductor
Sarmiza Bilcescu - the first woman lawyer in Europe and the first woman in the world to earn a PhD in law at the Sorbonne University
Maria Haret - the first woman in the world to become a general inspector architect
Ana Aslan - the woman who defeated old age. She invented the formula for Gerovital H3, patented in 30 countries
Mircea Eliade - philosopher, author of many specialised studies on the history of religions, literary works, memoirs, journals
Vera Atkins - one of the important figures of the British special services, the most important woman spy in the Second World War
Cecilia Cuțescu-Storck - the first woman professor in an Art University in Europe
Eugen Ionescu - great playwright and 52
distinguished professor. His plays were placed under what critics called the absurd theatre
Irina Burnaia - the first woman to fly over the Carpathian Mountains
Emil Cioran - one of the few Romanians claimed by European culture, he had the chance and
the gift to create his work in the middle of the French culture
George Emil Palade – the only Romanian to receive the Nobel Prize (1974). He is considered the father of modern cell biology
Henri Coandă - the first to build and fly a reaction plane
Emil Racoviță – the Romanian who discovered the beaked whale, studied thousands of organisms living in caves and founded the first speleological institute in the world, in Cluj
Nadia Comaneci - the first gymnast in the modern times of gymnastics to receive a 10, the maximum mark in this sport
Nicolae Paulescu - the scientist who discovered the substance able to temporarily reduce the glucose level, which is known today as insulin
Ioan Cantacuzino - developed a method of anti-cholera vaccination, which is still used today in the countries with cholera cases
Petrache Poenaru - known as the creator of the first fountain pen, known at the time as ‘stylograph’