Page 135 - Romania 100
P. 135

The initial social capital
of SNTFC CFR Călători
S.A. was constituted by
the partial taking over, in accordance with its object
of activity, of the patrimony
of the National Company of Romanian Railways, and it was subscribed and fully paid by the Romanian State as sole shareholder exercising its rights and obligations through the Ministry of Transport.
The mission of SNTFC
CFR Călători S.A. is to ensure the travellers’ mobility, contributing to the sustainable development of the entire society.
The values defining the company are: responsibility, respect, dedication and trust. The principles guiding the management of CFR Călători are as follows:
The customers’ needs are at the core of our business. Our actions are guided by respect and integrity.
We are building the best place for performance, innovation and development. I travel by train too!
I am CFR Călători, you can count on me!
 Created as an autonomous company in 1998 through the reorganisation of the oldest Romanian railway company – the National Company of Romanian Railways, with a history of nearly 140 years of attested existence –,
the National Company for Passenger Railway Transport “CFR Călători” S.A. (SNTFC CFR Călători S.A.) aims to become the number one integrated operator in Romania in the field.
The integrated model capitalizes on all the resources with a view to developing an efficient and concentrated operational transport service. The challenge to be met by the company's management
is to keep up with the needs
of the modern world in
terms of mobility and the speed of evolution of new technologies, while placing
the customer at the heart of the business. For the near future, the representatives of the company have undertaken
the objective of ensuring for CFR Călători a sustainable position in all segments and geographical areas, so that every passenger can travel to any destination in the country by combining the modes of transport (train-car).
A sustainable policy: the option for an environment- friendly transportation means
The transport sector is responsible for approximately 25% of the total emissions
of greenhouse gas, with important consequences for the sustainable development of the planet. The passenger train is recognised as the transportation means with the least impact on the environment. In the field of environmental protection, SNTFC CFR Călători S.A. promotes a policy supporting the concept of the railway transport as the most environment-friendly way to travel.

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