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”Bucharest Leaders’ Summit: The future is now”

MediaUno Media Group, the Romanian National Institute of Statistics, the Department for Sustainable Development of the Romanian Government and MediaUno Association are organising, in partnership with the Romanian Senate, ”Bucharest Leaders’ Summit: The future is now. Perspectives of the aftermath”, the 15th event in the series ”Together We Protect Romania”, scheduled to take place between 11-29 May 2023 in Bucharest.

”Bucharest Leaders’ Summit: The future is Now.Perspectives of the aftermath” will strengthen the position of Romania’s capital city on the map of top conferences and will raise the most pressing issues of the moment, while attempting to find solutions thereof.

The difficulties generated by the pandemic period, the multiple crises caused by the Russian Federation’s war in Ukraine, the nuclear threat, the alarming signs of climate change, have brought humanity to an unprecedented turning point. Shaping our future and that of the next generations cannot be left to chance! This is a time for wise and visionary decisions, which cannot be identified without broad and thorough debate or without the will of decision-makers.

In view of the multiple crises facing humanity, the MediaUno Media Group and the Romanian National Institute of Statistics decided to create a unique platform to explore and discuss topical issues, as in the previous meetings.

On the occasion of this summit, we aim to reiterate the international success of events such as: ”2021 Bucharest Summit: Cooperation for Development”, ”Building the Post-Pandemic World: The path to a more sustainable, resilient and safe society”, ”Movers and Shakers”, ”Protecting Europe in Turbulent Times, Bucharest Leaders’ Summit: The Enduring Power of Solidarity” or ”Bucharest Leaders’ Summit: Emerging challenges of the future”, a series of conferences attended by over 2,000 speakers from Romania and abroad. According to Facebook statistics, ”Bucharest Leaders’ Summit: Emerging challenges of the future” had over 1,500,000 views.

”Bucharest Leaders’ Summit: The future is now. Perspectives of the aftermath” will bring together, in Bucharest, key political and business actors from Romania, the European Union and overseas, representatives of leading international organisations, analysts and experts, representatives of the media and civil society, so that the current picture of our world and the vision of the desired future are as comprehensive as possible.

11 May


Official Opening

Romanian Senate – Avram Iancu Hall

12 May


Euro – Atlantic Security

Romanian Senate – Avram Iancu Hall

12 May


Air/Naval/Land Forces

Romanian Senate – Committee for Defence, Public Order and National Security

15 May


Agriculture and Food Industry

Chamber of Deputies – Committee for Agriculture, Forestry, Food Industry and Services

15 May


Mental Health

Romanian Senate – Avram Iancu Hall

16 May



Romanian Senate – Avram Iancu Hall

16 May



Chamber of Deputies – Committee for Health and Family

17 May



Romanian Senate – Avram Iancu Hall

17 May


Diplomacy &Economic Relations


18 May



Chamber of Deputies – Human Rights Hall

18 May


In Vitro Fertilisation

Chamber of Deputies – Committee for Health and Family

19 May


Eudication & Research

Romanian Senate – Dimitrie Cantemir Hall

19 May


Social Field and Citizen Security

Romanian Senate – Committee for Defence, Public Order and National Security

22 May



Chamber of Deputies – Human Rights Hall

23 May


Equal Opportunities

Romanian Senate – Dimitrie Cantemir Hall

24 May



Romanian Senate – Avram Iancu Hall

25 May


Digitalization & Cyber Security

Romanian Senate – Committee for Defence, Public Order and National Security

25 May



Chamber of Deputies – Committee for Youth and Sports

29 May




12 June


Sustainable Development

Chamber of Deputies – Committee for Foreign Affairs

With the support of


Media Partners

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